ห้องสมุดคณะแพทย์ มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่

In 1957, the government decided to build a first medical school outside Bangkok
with the cooperation of the U.S. Government. The U.S. Government agreed to
provide half of the construction costs, American professors for a period of six to eight
years, educational materials, and funds for Thai physicians to study in the United
States. The Thai Government provided the land for construction and architects for
The purpose of building the rural medical school was to provide better medical care
to the people in the northern part of Thailand, to raise the educational level of
people, to provide preventive measures in public health to the rural people and to
improve the local economy.
In 1958, a preclinical student for Chiang Mai Medical School was accepted under
the University of Medical Sciences in Bangkok, it had 65 premedical students for
its first class studied at Siriraj Medical School.

The Library was also firstly situated in the Medical Technology Building at the
Siriraj Medical School. Under a non-professional librarian,
Mrs. Nuanyai Panasamphol, who ordered medical textbooks and subscribed
65 journals and sending them to the new medical school in Chiang Mai by the
suggestion of Miss Uthai Tuttiyapothi, Chief Librarian of Siriraj Medical School
at that time. In 1960, the first class of medical students entered Chiang Mai Medical
School and also, the Library was moved from Siriraj to the administrative building
which is now the building near the Saundok Gate Square.
In 1961, the Library was moved to the first floor of the nursing dormitory, the T shape
building which has the circle in front. The Library’s site was at the right side of the
entrance, now they are the nursing students recreation room. It was temporarily
situated until the Seven Storeyed Building was built in 1972. During 1962-1970,
the Library was much improved and received grants and assistantships from both
the Illinois Medical Project Aid and the China Medical Board of New York. Textbooks
and back issues of journal’s titles were bought and found toward 1950. Moreover,
the first and the second librarian of this Library (Mrs. Suparp Suchinda and
Mrs. Ratchanee Vinijchaikul) were also granted to study the master degree
at Emory University. Miss Wilma Troxel, an American professor in librarianship from
the University of Chicago supported by the Illinois Medical Project Aid to Chiang Mai,
was sent and had spent her 4 months during November 1964 – February 1965 giving
suggestion in arranging the collection and improving the services.
In June 1972, the Library was moved to the first floor of the Seven Storeyed Building
of the Faculty which in near the Dean’s Office and totally air conditioned; it had been
very convenient for user’s accessibility. The reading room space was about 442
square meters separated from the working room which was about 332 square meters.
The Library provided comfortable 100 reading seats and necessary books in medical
field and its allied sciences. It had 25,000 volumes of general circulated, reference
and reserved books in English, 10% in Thai. The section of periodicals consisted of
550 subscribed current English titles and 70 subscribed current Thai periodicals.
All books and journals including bound journals were shelved on open stacks and
were available to readers. In 1975, Mrs. Ratchanee Vinijchaikul has resigned and
Mrs. Suchada Chotikanont has returned from the United States and in nominated by
Dr. Charn Satapanakul, Dean of the Faculty at that time to be head librarian instead.
The Library, since then, started to gain more and more recognitions of its services
duringthis period.
According to the Fifth National Development Plan (1982-1986), chief librarian had
proposed the Library Development Project in 1979 and was granted a nine storeyed
building, the premedical science students’ lecture rooms also included. This nine
storeyed building was built up in 1984 and was finished in September 1986.
The Library site is from the fifth to the eighth floor and has about 5,000 square metres.
The Library was moved to the new site and opened rendering its services on
October 1, 1986.


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